Submit Online
- Filing online is the faster, preferred method of appeal.
- Visit the Georgia Department of Labor’s File an Appeal portal.
- Log in using the same credentials you use to file for unemployment.
- Follow the online prompts to file your appeal.
Submit by Email
- Download the Appeal Request Form from the Georgia Department of Labor website’s Forms and Publications section.
- Complete and sign the form.
- If appealing a Claims Examiner’s Determination, email the completed and signed form to [email protected].
- If appealing an Administrative Hearing Officer’s Decision, email the completed and signed form to [email protected].
Submit by Fax
- Download the Appeal Request Form from the Georgia Department of Labor website’s Forms and Publications section.
- Complete and sign the form.
- If appealing a Claims Examiner’s Determination, fax the completed and signed form to 404-232-3901 or 404-232-3902.
- If appealing an Administrative Hearing Officer’s Decision, fax the completed and signed form to 404-232-3339.
Submit in Person
- Download the Appeal Request Form from the Georgia Department of Labor website’s Forms and Publications section.
- Complete and sign the form.
- If appealing a Claims Examiner’s Determination, hand deliver (do not mail) the completed and signed form to:
Georgia Department of Labor
UI Appeals Tribunal
148 Andrew Young International Blvd. NE
Suite 525
Atlanta, GA 30303-1734
- If appealing an Administrative Hearing Officer’s Decision, hand deliver (do not mail) the completed and signed form to:
Georgia Department of Labor
Board of Review
148 Andrew Young International Blvd. NE
Suite 510
Atlanta, GA 30303-173
How Do I …
File an Unemployment Appeal?
Get Prepared
Be sure to continue claiming benefits and submitting your Weekly Work Search Record throughout the appeal process.
Gather What You'll Need
- The release date of the determination or decision you are appealing.
- The docket number if you are appealing a previous decision made by the Appeals Tribunal Administrative Hearing Officer.
- The claimant’s name and the Social Security number on the determination or decision being appealed (if submitting by email or fax, only include the last four digits).
- Your address and the best phone number to reach you.
- A detailed explanation of why you are appealing.
Submit Your Appeal
You can submit your appeal online, via email, by fax, or in person. Please keep a copy of your appeal for your records.
Appeal Unemployment Decision Accordion -
Next Steps
- When your appeal is received, you should receive a confirmation number.
- After you submit your appeal request, the Appeals Tribunal will decide if a hearing should be scheduled. If a hearing is scheduled, the Appeals Tribunal will send you, the employer, and any interested party a Notice of Hearing. This will contain the time and date of the hearing, as well as the issues to be discussed.
- After the hearing, a decision will be mailed to all interested parties. If you disagree with the decision, you may appeal to the Board of Review.