How Do I …
Apply for SOURCE?
Make Sure You’re Eligible
To qualify, you must be eligible for Medicaid and:
- Be 65 or older (or, if younger than 65, meet certain disability requirements)
- Require nursing home level care
Gather What You'll Need
- Verification of income
- Verification of assets, such as bank accounts or property
- Verification of citizenship
Submit Your Application
The Georgia Division of Aging Services administers SOURCE through the Area Agencies on Aging. You can apply for SOURCE by calling your Area Agency on Aging (AAA).
- Call the toll-free, state-wide number for the Area Agency on Aging at 888-669-7195.
- Once connected, an AAA staff member will screen you by asking questions about your situation.
Next Steps
If you are approved, you will be assessed by a SOURCE staff member to identify your needs. Based on this assessment, a plan of care will be developed to assist you with appropriate services.