Education and Teaching

Education and Teaching
  • Inclusion and Behavior Support Specialists

    Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning offers support for inclusion through a team of regionally-based specialists. Inclusion and Behavior Support Specialists provide resources, strategies, and support to programs, classrooms, and the community. 

    Responsible agency: Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL)

  • Office of Disability Ombudsman

    The Office of Disability Ombudsman promotes the safety, well-being, and rights of individuals with disabilities in Georgia. We work to resolve issues concerning any act, omission to act, practice, policy, or procedure that may adversely affect the safety, well-being, and rights of individuals with disabilities.

    Responsible agency: Office of Disability Services Ombudsman (DSO)

  • Special Education Services and Supports

    Resources to support all students in Georgia.

    Responsible agency: Department of Education (DOE)